Free STD Testing for Women

Your health and well-being are vital, and taking proactive steps to protect yourself is a powerful act of self-care. If you’re a sexually active woman, scheduling a free STD test at Solutions Health & Pregnancy Center is one of the best things you can do for your future.

Most sexually transmitted diseases have no early symptoms. Early detection is your best defense against serious illnesses and spreading the infection to others. Here’s why you should make that appointment right now:

Empower Yourself

Knowing your status gives you control over your health. STD testing is a smart and responsible way to stay informed and make the best decisions for you.

Protect Your Future

Untreated STDs can lead to serious health issues down the line, including infertility and chronic pain. Early detection through testing can prevent complications and ensure you stay healthy and happy.

Confidential and Free

Are you worried about privacy? Rest assured, your results and information are completely confidential. Our clinic offers free testing for women, so there’s no financial barrier to caring for yourself.

Peace of Mind

Imagine the relief and confidence that comes with knowing your status. It’s one less thing to worry about, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.

Support and Resources

Solutions Health and Pregnancy Center provides more than just testing; we offer support, education, and resources to help you make informed choices about your sexual health.

Don’t Wait – Take Action Now!

Your health is worth it. Don’t let fear or uncertainty hold you back. Schedule your free STD test today and take the first step towards a healthier, more empowered you.

Schedule An Appointment

Solutions HPC performs free STD testing for women on Tuesdays and Thursdays in our licensed medical center in Shrewsbury.

Walk-in and same-day clients are welcome. However, our available times book fast. Secure your spot now!

Call us at 732-747-5454 or schedule your appointment online.

Select times beginning on the half-hour only.

Please schedule a later appointment date if you are experiencing your period, have taken antibiotics during the last two weeks, had sex, or used tampons or douche in the last two days.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that all sexually active women under 25 get tested for gonorrhea and chlamydia every year.

Also, women who are pregnant should be tested for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C starting early in pregnancy to avoid passing infections to their infants.[i]

Solutions Health & Pregnancy Center offers free testing services to women in both groups, with minor exceptions. 

  • Please consult with a pediatrician if you are under the age of 14.
  • Consult your doctor if diagnosed with an STD within the last 6 months.
  • Visit the ER if you are actively bleeding or experiencing severe pain. 

Most women do not experience symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases in the early stages, highlighting the need for screening. However, it’s important to be mindful of some signs of infection[ii], such as;

  • sores on the mouth or genitals
  • painful or burning upon urination (peeing)
  • lower belly pain, vaginal bleeding in-between your period
  • painful sex, unusual discharge or odor
  • flu-like symptoms or fever in some cases

Unfortunately, if left untreated, you may experience worsening symptoms leading to long-term complications.  

Our registered nurse will check your vital signs at your first visit, discuss your overall health, and complete the CDC-recommended sexual history survey known as the five Ps.[iii]

  1. Partners
  2. Practices
  3. Protection from STIs
  4. Past History of STIs
  5. Pregnancy Intention

The nurse will also give you a no-cost urine test for pregnancy. If the test is positive, we may suggest an ultrasound based on the time since your last period.

Solutions Health & Pregnancy Center, a licensed medical clinic in Shrewsbury, offers free tests for ten specific sexually transmitted infections.

Self-administered urine sample tests are suitable for detecting bacterial infections. We will ask you to pee into a sterile cup in one of our private bathrooms.

Our registered nurse will collect your sample and send it to the lab to examine the urine for Chlamydia Trachomatis and Gonorrhea.

The registered nurse will draw your blood from your arm with a tiny needle as you relax on our cushioned table. We will provide juice or water after.

Our registered nurse will collect your sample and send it to the lab to examine the blood for the presence of Hepatitis A, B, and C, Herpes Simplex Virus I and II, Human Immunodeficiency Virus l and l, and Syphilis.

Your lab results can take up to seven days after your first screening. Our nurse will then call you to schedule a telehealth visit with our licensed physician to review the results and discuss treatment if necessary.

We will provide a referral to your partner for care if necessary.

Our licensed medical center in Shrewsbury is easy to reach by train (NJ Transit North Jersey Coast Line) and car from main highways and roads.

Women from Monmouth, Southern Middlesex, and Northern Ocean can reach us for a no-cost STD check in less than thirty-five minutes. Click the pictures below to find the travel time from your home or job.

[i] CDC Which STD Tests

[ii] MAYO Clinic STD Overview

[iii] CDC Guide to Taking a Sexual History